The 2nd Gen JCW Register
Below is a publicly viewable copy of the JCW Register for each region, to view your area or others please click the tabs across the top for your region.
All personal details off each car have been removed from this spreadsheet to respect the privacy of the owners, however if a car is verified on the list and you are looking at purchasing that vehicle or another, please use the Contact us form to Authenticate a vehicle based off his previous research with Vin details, owners details as well as registration numbers or he can additionally verify the car by sending through the required details.
We would love to grow this Register of cars worldwide, if you have a JCW you would like added to this list please fill out the Form by clicking the button below.
Note: While part of the registration process is authenticating the car is a JCW, please do not rely solely on the register to authenticate a car if purchasing. Make sure to complete all the checks, the register is no substitute of due diligence during the purchasing process. With the increased number of cars that aren’t original JCW’s hitting the market, the usage of our guide to the R55-R61 JCWs and determining if you have a real one should be used as an assistance guide only. Into the future, Provenance will be key to 100% confirming the cars details. Receipts of the works completed and original certificates are one of the main pieces of information that should be used to confirm provenance.